
Sunrise - fresh starts - Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it.

Fresh Starts

Sometimes little phrases, thoughts, or ideas stick with us, and transform our thinking. One of my favorites is from Anne of Green Gables: “Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it….” ― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables I first read this as a girl. And it stuck with me. The context of the quote, …

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image of the sun shining out over the water from behind the hills


Clarity.Being Clear on our direction, our purpose. Our goal, our mission. Our big picture. Someone recently said, “no one prays for Clarity.”    Uh, I do. It’s much easier to move in a direction, if we have clarity – a certain degree of visibility – of what we want to do, where we want to be, who we …

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The Confidence Challenge

The stories we tell ourselves, repeat over and over in our minds, become stronger.
That’s just biology. How neurons works.
It’s easy to repeat what we believe is safe, repeat the fears, the insecurities, the anxieties.
That’s also how our brains work – to keep us in safety, and to follow the pathways that we’ve built up by repeated use.
But what if…
What if we intentionally set out to build up our confidence pathways.

Decompression Time

Decompression time isn’t tied to a calendar. It’s tied who we are, our own needs and state of being.
It’s a time for absorption, for processing, for rest, and for a reset.
Sometimes decompression is needed for our physical health, sometimes our mental health or emotional health.
Sometimes it’s needed to fully absorb and process an experience
It is ok

Gifts of Homeschooling High School

The high school years are some of the best times to truly customize to who our kids are, and allow them to truly explore and delve into those things that call to their hearts.


There are choices I have made that I am not willing to compromise on. And I’ve learned to be good with it.
Though loneliness can be an issue if I don’t cultivate a support system and pour into it as much or more than I get out of it.